This game was a made following the requirements of a 4 days tech challenge whose the objective was explore the creativity of the developers and their coding skills to make a game following the criteria below:
- Must have a simple and friendly UI that count points and time and options to start or pause the game;
- Must be a 3D game with items spawning randomly;
- Must have a system to persist the best score of the player when the game is closed;
- Must have a multiplayer system for two player compete against each other;
- Must use Assembly Definitions to improve the compile process.
- Must create some Unit tests with Unity Test Framework (UTF).
So I decide to make a game that have a single player and a multiplayer modes because some features works better in a specific scenario and going by this approach I had a great experience doing the multiplayer based on the single player. I also decide to make the player movement and rotation by physics to give a little touch of difficult on the overall gameplay!
The solutions I’ve developed for this game was:
- A basic system that save the player best score in JSON. (This was for Single Player)
- A pooling system for coins that spawns randomly in the arena to improve the game perfomance. (This was made for the whole game)
- I’ve worked with PHOTON PUN to make the multiplayer enviroment. (Very easy to learn and make this project)
- The assemblies to split up the scripts folders like Core, Player, Multiplayer, Items, Enemies. This way the project dont need to compile all scripts.
- I’ve used the UTF to test some static classes that I developed to work like services for the project.
- All the visual and sound assets are third party.